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Lessons by Author - Neil Perkin

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Title: Agile, Not Linear
Author: Neil Perkin
Description: "Agile, Not Linear”: the importance of introducing a new approach to building responsive capability in organisations for dealing with complex and potentially disrupted environments.
Title: Letting Go
Author: Neil Perkin
Description: The value of letting your ideas go and not fighting to retain ownership.
Title: Show Them
Author: Neil Perkin
Description: “Show Them”: The importance of using examples and prototypes to show the value of an idea.
Title: The Journey
Author: Neil Perkin
Description: “The Journey”: The importance of understanding that not everyone has been on the same intellectual journey that you have (and the importance of bringing them along with you).
Title: Unexpected Benefits
Author: Neil Perkin
Description: You never know where an idea will take you.
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