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Managing Change

Title: Agile, Not Linear
Author: Neil Perkin
Description: "Agile, Not Linear”: the importance of introducing a new approach to building responsive capability in organisations for dealing with complex and potentially disrupted environments.
Title: From Outsource to In-House
Author: Andrew Loveless
Description: To try to execute and grow your organisation. What I learnt about developing scaleable development capability.
Title: Go to Nature
Author: Trudy Thompson
Description: The solution you need can be found in Nature.
Title: Happy Families
Author: Vikki Cobb
Description: It's worth investing time at the start of a relationship in order to build a foundation for success.
Title: Putting Sales & Marketing First
Author: Jonathan Barrett
Description: The more innovative the product or service, the harder and more expensive it will be to get the message across.
Title: The Bigger Picture
Author: Simeon Stewart
Description: Consider the consequences of your innovation and how they might affect other people.
Title: The Unforseen Consequences of a New Strategy
Author: Andrew Loveless
Description: What actually happens when you deploy a new idea for delivering value in your business.
Title: Understanding Fear
Author: Trudy Thompson
Description: Accept that your must never, never, give up.
Title: When Will You Call Me Stupid?
Author: Emma Barrett
Description: Don’t make assumptions about people’s ability to succeed.
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